Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Sitz Im Leben As One s Setting - 804 Words

. The Sitz im Leben being one’s setting in life is viewed upon in the book of Numbers. The Sitz im Leben in Numbers takes place in the wilderness; a desert like habitation. In the wilderness is where we see God’s chosen ones the Israelites stranded in the wilderness for forty years after being freed from slavery in Egypt. Some major themes in the book of Numbers are the Guidance into Egypt, the Guidance into the Arable Land, the Promise to the Patriarchs, the Guidance in the Wilderness, and the Revelation at Sinai. When looking at the wilderness tradition through the lens of a historical and sociological perspective the wilderness tradition is then relatable to one’s self. Therefore, looking at the wilderness tradition from a sociological and historical perspective allows for one to open up their eyes and mind to explore and understand the depth of how and why the Israelites behaved and lived within their wilderness experience. We must recognize that the Israelit es had to make adjustments into the way they lived, and behaved. The wilderness in fact was something new to them. In their opinion they were better off in Egypt where in fact they cried out to Moses and Aaron in Exodus 16:2-3, that the LORD should have killed them in Egypt because it was there they had plenty to eat, but Moses and Aaron had brought them into the wilderness to starve to death. From a historical and sociological perspective one may say that it was good for the Israelites to be in the wilderness

Monday, December 23, 2019

Social Policy An Undeserved Handout The Truth About...

Amiee McNicholas M/W/F U/C 956 WORDS SOCIAL POLICY AN UNDESERVED HANDOUT? THE TRUTH ABOUT â€Å"WELFARE† 2/49 I would not expand the social welfare programs, I believe if we would expand the welfare program we would just be enabling more people. Why should they work or go school to better themselves to try and pull themselves out of poverty. When they can live off the government for free. I personally have a very good friend that has a PHD in Physcholge, she says why I should work when I can stay home with my son. We get free food, we get our gas bill paid, and our electric is paid for. She has free insurance, her son has free insurance. She even get a car allowance from the government so she can so they can have transportation. Since she can prove that she is not working she does not have to pay back her student loans. It is very frustrating to me that our taxes money is supporting the lazy, I’m not saying everyone receiving government assistants is lazy, but I have seen people driving bran new escalades, woman carrying MK purses, wearing 100 dollar jeans then going in to the store t o pay with their welfare card. I know that there are people out there that truly need the help getting food, or help with medical. I also

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Under the Bridge Song Analysis Free Essays

15 April 2010 Essay 2: Poetry â€Å"Under The Bridge† Under the bridge is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers, written by vocalist Anthony Kiedis. Keidis reference to â€Å"bridge†Kiedis use of imagery in the lyrics to this song communicate a dark time in his life but also as a listener we can relate with a difficult time in our own life. The symbolism used by Kiedis in reference to his feeling of solitude and long battle with drug addiction. We will write a custom essay sample on Under the Bridge Song Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rhyme and rhythm are two of the main features in this song. The rhythm affects the whole mood, tone and meaning of the song. The melancholy can be felt in the first stanza, â€Å"Lonely as I am together we cry. † Kiedis has chosen different methods to give the song specific sounds that affect the pace and structure of the rhythm. The speed of the song begins quite slow not too intense but slowly the tempo picks up as he describes, â€Å"I don’t ever wanna feel like I did that day. † The feelings of loss bring him to depression and remind him of his struggles with drug abuse. The reference in the third stanza â€Å"take me to the place I love take me all that way† can suggests that Kiedis is taken back to the feeling of being high on drugs. Metaphorically he is attempting to overcome drug addiction but can’t help loving the feeling he gets when he is high. â€Å"The loneliness that I was feeling triggered memories of my time with Ione and how I’d had this beautiful angel of a girl who was willing to give me all of her love, and instead of embracing that, I was downtown with gangsters shooting speedballs under a bridge. (Kiedis 204) Kiedis memory of such a time stimulated his response of loneliness as he is doing so in song to his listeners. Drawing back from the people he was once so close with gave him an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and solitude, as he described, â€Å"Sometimes I feel like I don’t have a partner sometimes I feel like my only friend like my only friend is the city I live in the city of Angels† ( Peppers) The descriptions of the city being his only stronghold during this difficult ime are realized in his city of Los Angeles which he feels would never leave him alone as some of his relationships at that time. The city is stable, and he is able to depend on her being there to support him. He refers to the city as his â€Å"companion†, and he does not have to hide from her because she already knows his deepest secrets but has yet to abandon him. It’s interesting to see the different interpretations to this song, but I do believe Kiedis was clearly recounting his drug addiction in a very personal yet abstract manner. Revealing the solitude one has to endure when they find themselves in such a state. My understanding of the song shows the contemplation, withdrawal, and the acceptance of taking a dark path in life. Literature can be subtle or obvious, used carefully or carelessly. The repetition of the third stanza signifies meaning and creates a strong sonic effect to the listener. Kiedis use of this can be found in the chorus, â€Å"I don’t ever wanna feel like I did that day take me to the place I love take me all the way. (Peppers) The text states, â€Å"We all hear sounds differently depending on the meaning and context. † (Beiderwell 522) The feeling this song gives me may be totally different that it may give someone who has experienced an addiction or feeling of despair. In general, the lyrics deals with particular things in concrete language, since our emotions most readily respond to his emotion and expressions. From Kiedis particular situation, the listener may then genera lize by implication from the particular. â€Å"She sees my good deeds and she kisses me windy and I never worry now that is a lie. (Peppers) The use of personification occurs here when he describes inanimate objects as human that is, giving them human attributes, powers, or feelings. He is not literally speaking of a person but showing his connection with the city he loves so much, as the only person he feels loved by. Images suggest meanings beyond the mere identity of the specific object. (Purdue) Poetry â€Å"plays† with meaning when it identifies resemblances or makes comparisons between things, such as the Los Angeles being his only friend. In the last stanza, â€Å"Under the bridge downtown is where I drew some blood under the bridge I could not get enough under the bridge forgot about my love under the bridge I gave my life away† (Peppers) Kiedis is recounting a low point in his life where he feels he surrendered his life to this addiction to drugs. This use of imagery is most valuable as a mode of perception that assists the listener to see around and to see the often conflicting interpretations that come from our examination of life. In other words his message is most certainly concrete and particular it’s implied by the images of him under this bridge drawing blood which is what heroin addicts do. Works Cited Beiderwell, Bruce and Jeffrey M. Wheeler. â€Å"The Literary Experience. † Beiderwell, Bruce and Jeffrey M. Wheeler. The Literary Experience. Boston: Thomson Higher Education, 2008. 217-229. Kiedis, Anthony. Scar Tissue. New York: Hyperion, 2004. Peppers, Red Hot Chili. â€Å"Under The Bridge. † Blood Sugar Sex Magik. cond. Anthony Keidis. By Anthony Keidis. Los Angeles, 1992. Purdue, Owl. Owl Purdue. 21 April 2010. 07 April 2010 . How to cite Under the Bridge Song Analysis, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

E.e. Cummings Essay Example For Students

E.e. Cummings Essay The Poetry of E. E. CummingsE. E. Cummings, who was born in 1894 and died in 1962, wrote many poems with unconventional punctuation and capitalization, and unusual line, word, and even letter placements namely, ideograms. Cummings most difficult form of prose is probably the ideogram; it is extremely terse and it combines both visual and auditory elements. There may be sounds or characters on the page that cannot be verbalized or cannot convey the same message if pronounced and not read. Four of Cummings poems l(a, mortals), !blac, and swi( illustrate the ideogram form quite well. Cummings utilizes unique syntax in these poems in order to convey messages visually as well as verbally. Although one may think of l(a as a poem of sadness and loneliness, Cummings probably did not intend that. This poem is aboutindividuality oneness (Kid 200-1). The theme of oneness can be derived from the numerous inezces and forms of the number 1 throughout the poem. First, l(a contains both the number 1 and the singular indefinite article, a; the second line contains the French singular definite article, le; ll on the fifth line represents two ones; one on the 7th line spells the number out; the 8th line, l, isolates the number; and iness, the last line, can mean the state of being I that is, individuality or oneness, deriving the one from the lowercase roman numeral i (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically (a leaf falls:/loneliness), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a one and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a 1 (200). The shape of the po em can also be seen as the path of a falling leaf; the poem drifts down, flipping and altering pairs of letters like a falling leaf gliding, back and forth, down to the ground. The beginning l(a changes to le, and af flips to fa. ll indicates a quick drop of the leaf, which has slowed by a longer line, one. Finally, the leaf falls into the pile of fallen leaves on the ground, represented by iness. Cummings has written this poem so perfectly that every part of it conveys the message of oneness and individuality (200). In mortals), Cummings vitalizes a trapeze act on paper. Oddly enough, this poem, too, stresses the idea of individualism, oreachness, as it is stated on line four. Lines 2 and 4, climbi and begi, both end leaving the letter i exposed. This is a sign thatCummings is trying to emphasize the concept of self-importance (Tri 36). This poem is an amusing one, as it shows the effects of a trapeze act within the arrangement of the words. On line 10, the space in the word open ing indicates the act beginning, and the empty, static moment before it has fully begun. of speeds of and ;meet;, lines 8 and 12 respectively, show a sort of back-and-forth motion, much like that of the motion of a trapeze swinging. Lines 12 through 15 show the final jump off the trapeze, and a/n/d on lines 17 through 19, represent the deserted trapeze, after the acrobats have dismounted. Finally, (im on the last line should bring the readers eyes back to the top of the poem, where he finds mortals). Placing (im at the end of the poem shows that the performers attain a special type of immortality for risking their lives to create a show of beauty, they attain a special type of immortality (36-7). The circularity of the poem causes a feeling of wholeness or completeness, and may represent the Circle of Life, eternal motion (Fri 26). .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .postImageUrl , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:hover , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:visited , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:active { border:0!important; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:active , .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96 .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u184a369cc3cf44fea6418d25442c4c96:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Aids EssayCummings first tightly written ideogram was !blac, a very interesting poem. It starts with !, which seems to be saying thatsomething deserving that exclamation point occurred anterior to the poem, and the poem is trying objectively to describe certain feelings resulting from !. black against white is an example of such a description in the poem; the clashing colors create a feeling in sync with !. Also, why (whi) suggests amusement and wonder, another feeling resulting from ! (Weg 145). Cummings had written a letter concerning !blac to Robert Wenger, author of The Poetry and Prose of E. E. Cummings (see Works Cited). In it, he wrote, for me, this poem means just what it says . . . and the ! which begins the poem is whatmight be called and emphatic (=very). This poem is also concerns the cycle of birth, life, death, and renewal. This is derived from the . preceding the last letter. This shows that even though the poem is finished, the circle of life is not, and is ever cycling (Weg 144). Through the poems shape, !blac also shows a leaf fluttering to the ground. The lines spacing synchronizes the speed of the reading with that of the leaf at different points in its fall. With its capital Is, IrlI also indicates a leaf falling straight down before it hits the ground (147). Reading this poem, one may realize the lone comma on line 12. The poet writes about the sky and a tree, and then a comma intrudes, which makes the reader pause, and realize the new awareness that the comma indicated that of a falling leaf (145). Lines 1 through 6 are also very important to the poem. Although black against white may be referring to the color of the falling l eaf in contrast to the bright sky, it is not wrong to assume it means more. As stated above, the poems theme is the cycle of life, and black against white could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling of leaves is an integral part of the whole life cycle of the tree(146). !blac may seem like a simple mess of words, but in reality is much more complex than that. swi( is another poem of Cummings ideogram form. The essence of this poem is seeing a birds swift flight past the sun, and the wonder of this experience. The poem mainly tries to convince the reader of the difference between conception, what one sees, and perception, what one knows he is seeing (Mar 105). The first line, swi( shows that the object the poet sees is moving so rapdly that before he completely utters his first word, he must describe the object, and that it is passing before another object the sun. His use of only primary descriptives, such as speed, direction, color, and shape indicates that he is trying to describe the bird as quickly as possible. The way he speaks, in terse syllables that lack syntactical relationship to each other, imitate one who tries to speak before he knows exactly what he wants to say; it is another indication of how quickly the object is moving (106). a-motion-upo-nmotio-n/Less?, the 6th line, is signifying that although the poet knows that both the objects are moving, ones motion causes the other to seem still (106). The d, at the end of the poem is showing that after the poet has finally namedthe object he saw, he immediately loses interest and stops, as writing more to further organize his thoughts would be superfluous (106). The contrasting words in this poem are very important. against contrasts with across, and signifies a halt. It seems that the poet wants to stop the object in order to describe it. But a stopping of motion would contradict swi/ftly, so Cummings decided to refer to the speed average of the two, Swi/mming (106). swi( contains less symbolism than the other poems being analyzed, but it is similar in that the syntax adds greatly to the poem. .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .postImageUrl , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:hover , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:visited , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:active { border:0!important; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:active , .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45 .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua3d15044ced146347cc98e9acfc77b45:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Male Initiation Rituals EssayCummings peculiar method of using syntax to convey hidden meaning is extremely effective. The reader does not simply read and forget Cummings ideas; instead, he must figure out the hidden meaning himself. In doing this, he feels contentment, and thus retains the poems idea for a more extended period of time. Cummings ideogram poems are puzzles waiting to be solved. Works CitedFriedman, Norman. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. Kidder, Rushworth M. E. E. Cummings: An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia UniversityPress, 1979. Marks, Barry A. E. E. Cummings. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964. Triem, Eve. E. E. Cummings. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969. Wegner, Robert E. The Poetry and Prose of E. E. Cummings. New York: Harcourt, Brace World, Inc., 1965. Words/ Pages : 2,411 / 24

Friday, November 29, 2019

010 Distinguishing They Say and I Say Professor Ramos Blog

010 Distinguishing They Say and I Say Weekly Journals Quick Write What questions do you have about the journals? Weekly Journals The chapter we read for today is particularly important for your weekly reading journals. You need to summarize what someone else said, then respond to it. In order to do that, you have to signal what someone else has said and when you are adding to or responding to that. Why Rural America Voted for Trump Robert Leonard, â€Å"Why Rural America Voted for Trump† [p. 279] Democrats think people are fundamentally good. Republicans think people are fundamentally bad. Do   you think people are good? Jonathan Haidt: Can a Divided America Heal? 20 Minutes. Jon Haidt is a Social Psychologist. Write down anything you think is important or that stands out to you. Write down any words you don’t know so we can make a list for everyone. â€Å"Me against my brother; me and my brother against our cousin; me and my brother and cousins against the stranger.† Chp 5, â€Å"And Yet† Distinguishing What  You  Say from What  They  Say Chapter 5 (p. 68) introduces you to the term  voice markers  in order to help you distinguish the â€Å"I say† from the â€Å"They say.† This is a very important move since we are now including the â€Å"They say† in your writing. If you do not do this clearly, the reader will be confused as to your position and you may seem to contradict yourself. The templates help you with specific ways of signaling who is saying what, and to embed the voice markers. Being able to distinguish your own view from the common view is a â€Å"sophisticated rhetorical move.† Using â€Å"I† or â€Å"We† The chapter also covers using the first person in academic writing, â€Å"I† or â€Å"we.† You have likely been told to not or never use the I in college writing. The book argues that well-supported arguments are grounded in persuasive reasons and evidence, not in the use of or nonuse of pronouns. Free Write Take the topic you are thinking about researching for your report and write it at the top of a page. For the next five minutes I want you two write down everything you know about it. Do not edit as you write. Just keep writing and see where it takes you. Just keep writing. If you thought runs out, skip a line and start a new thought. Keep writing. Figure out what you know and what you need to research.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The Red Badge

Four main characters (and one-sentence description of each) Henry Fleming (the youth) - Henry, the main character of the novel, was at first very excited to go to war joining the army against his mother’s wishes, but he finds war frightening and he becomes a coward to later become a hero. Jim Conklin (the tall soldier) - Jim was a close friend that Henry had met in the army where he gets shot and is nursed by Henry. Wilson (the loud soldier) - Wilson was a friend of Henry in the army who was at first loud and obnoxious but proves helpful when Henry became wounded. Henry’s mother - She shows up at the beginning of the book and tells Henry that she does not want him joining the army, but wishes him luck when he does anyway. Two minor characters (and one-sentence description of each) Tattered soldier - He pestered Henry at the camp before they set off to fight. Cheery soldier - He helped Henry back to camp after Henry fled. Three main settings (and one sentence description of each) The forest - All of the fighting occurs in the forest where Henry learns about fear and valor. The camp - This is the Union base where the army set up for the night. One paragraph plot outline The book starts out with a new regiment for the Union army waiting around for some fighting. Jim Conklin, a friend of the main character, Henry Fleming, hears some rumors about their next movements. He tells the other soldiers of the rumors telling them that they’re going to go around the enemy and attack them from behind. Sure enough, a few days later, they start marching and they attack. This is the first battle for the regiment so a few soldiers, including Henry Fleming, desert the regiment. After Henry deserts, he finds Jim and walks with him for a while before Jim dies. Henry wanders about a bit and gets in a fight with another lost soldier of the Union army who hits him across the head with the butt of his rifle causing Henry to bl... Free Essays on The Red Badge Free Essays on The Red Badge Four main characters (and one-sentence description of each) Henry Fleming (the youth) - Henry, the main character of the novel, was at first very excited to go to war joining the army against his mother’s wishes, but he finds war frightening and he becomes a coward to later become a hero. Jim Conklin (the tall soldier) - Jim was a close friend that Henry had met in the army where he gets shot and is nursed by Henry. Wilson (the loud soldier) - Wilson was a friend of Henry in the army who was at first loud and obnoxious but proves helpful when Henry became wounded. Henry’s mother - She shows up at the beginning of the book and tells Henry that she does not want him joining the army, but wishes him luck when he does anyway. Two minor characters (and one-sentence description of each) Tattered soldier - He pestered Henry at the camp before they set off to fight. Cheery soldier - He helped Henry back to camp after Henry fled. Three main settings (and one sentence description of each) The forest - All of the fighting occurs in the forest where Henry learns about fear and valor. The camp - This is the Union base where the army set up for the night. One paragraph plot outline The book starts out with a new regiment for the Union army waiting around for some fighting. Jim Conklin, a friend of the main character, Henry Fleming, hears some rumors about their next movements. He tells the other soldiers of the rumors telling them that they’re going to go around the enemy and attack them from behind. Sure enough, a few days later, they start marching and they attack. This is the first battle for the regiment so a few soldiers, including Henry Fleming, desert the regiment. After Henry deserts, he finds Jim and walks with him for a while before Jim dies. Henry wanders about a bit and gets in a fight with another lost soldier of the Union army who hits him across the head with the butt of his rifle causing Henry to bl...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Work-Family Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Work-Family - Research Paper Example g that plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this will be reported to the Chief Examiner, who will disallow the work concerned by prohibiting assessment or refer the matter to the faculty manager. I understand the consequences for engaging in plagiarism as described in University Statute 4.1. Part III – Academic Misconduct (refer http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/calendar/statutes/statutes04.html#Heading102) The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of assessing your assignment. Other purposes of collection include recording your plagiarism and collusion declaration, attending to course and administrative matters and statistical analyses. If you choose not to complete all the questions on this form it may not be possible for Monash University to assess your assignment. You have a right to access personal information that Monash University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer: privacyofficer@adm.monash.edu.au In the current times where the level of work related stress is growing and there is a high level of competition across every industry, there is a clear need for a more flexible and well balanced working pattern for people across the world. This paper aims at discussing one such flexible understanding, referred to as Flexible Work Arrangements. The paper will firstly provide a clear view of the aims and objectives of the paper, following which the key issues will be listed out. This will be followed with a clear explanation of the importance of Flexible Work Arrangements and a thorough research into the literature review will be conducted. The paper will provide an analysis of the research and will also include the discussion of the findings in detail. The changes in the labour markets and the changes in the social as well as demographics across

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career - Essay Example The managers’ pinpoint the job-related experience, knowledge, competencies, and skills required employees to be productive in their positions (Ohlsson, 2010). Additionally, the manager helps the low-skilled workers to define their career development gaps that will support both the objectives of the firm and their career goals. The managers support the development plans of the employees by indicating the specific procedures that need to achieve the learning objectives. The managers also assist the workers to understand the positions that will suit their career growth. In summary, the manager’s role in career development includes listening, leveling, looking ahead, leveraging, and linking. The managers listen by getting the employees talk about their context, interests, values, and skills. They level by getting them reflect on how other view the development and skills areas. They look ahead by making them consider how their career world is changing. The managers leverage employees, by getting them analyze various career moves. Finally, the managers link their workers by getting them to move on their learning techniques. The employer’s role in career development involves providing compensation and job structures that support the firm and the growth of an individual. The employers also enrich the positions at work place to create challenges in the working setting (Hall, 2006). Additionally, they offer funds and time for career development activities. This is done by creating processes to use the skills, abilities, and knowledge of every employee. The employers also carry out pro-active planning of work force to meet the needs of staffing. This is done through employee evaluation and creation of succession criteria for important job positions for the firm. The employers also identify and nurture talents and reward the performance of the employees in a manner that

Monday, November 18, 2019

Advertising and Pricing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advertising and Pricing Strategies - Essay Example This feeling is as a result of Apple’s price skimming strategy that excites late adopters who are able to get their expensive products at a bargain price. This not only creates good will for the company, but also increases their revenue. Moreover, late adopters increase its market share. According to Perreault, Cannon and McCarthy (2011), a price skimming strategy focuses on profit maximization by charging a high price for early adopters of a new product then reducing the price to attract thriftier consumers. Apple has adopted this strategy because it helps them to create an aura of prestige around their products while generating a lot of profits. Moreover, it allows them to reduce their prices to encourage consumers to buy. The purchase decision was informed by a number of factors. First, the affordability of the product. Second, the utility of the product. The iPhone 5c has a lot of features that add value to the consumer. Third, the uniqueness of the brand. Apple products have a beautiful design. Moreover, they are elite products because their high price discourages most people from buying. The research process involved a comparison of different mobile phone reviews online. In addition, conversations with friends and family members reinforced the decision to purchase an iPhone

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strengthsquest My Five Strengths English Language Essay

Strengthsquest My Five Strengths English Language Essay StrengthsQuest is an activity that people can do to find out the five major qualities that they posses. This process includes taking a test that requires you to answer questions like, Would you ratherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦orà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦? And I am more likely toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦thanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Answering these questions gives the StrengthsQuest program information to determine what a persons top five themes are and also provides you with a description of each of the characteristics. Some possible products of finding out your strengths might include higher levels of engagement in the learning process, learning to take the perspective of others who are very different from oneself, higher levels of academic achievement, ability to make an informed career choice, or the development of leadership (Schreiner). I agree with Schreiner because once a person knows what their strengths are and what they could possibly do with the rest of their lives, they could really get started on a successful pa th. Another point that she mentioned was that by using this tool, it could help a person to make an informed career decision. This is a very good point because students with an undecided major may need just a little input about what would be right for them, and by doing the StrengthsQuest test they could find what they are really good at and what career pathway would work best for their personality. When I took this SrengthsQuest test, I was very pleased with the results that I received. My five themes turned out to be includer, restorative, communication, woo, and empathy. In the future, I want to become a dental hygienist and I believe that my five strengths are going to help me be very successful in my career choice. Themes Includer. By the definition of StrengthsQuest, being an includer means, Stretch the circle wider. This is the philosophy around which you orient your life. You want to include people and make them feel part of the group. In direct contrast to those who are drawn only to exclusive groups, you actively avoid those groups that exclude others. You want to expand the group so that as many people as possible can benefit from its support. You hate the sight of someone on the outside looking in, you want to draw them in so that they can feel the warmth of the group. You are an instinctively accepting person. Regardless of race or sex or nationality or personality or faith, you cast few judgments. Judgments can hurt a persons feelings. Why do that if you dont have to? Your accepting nature does not necessarily rest on a belief that each of us is different and that one should respect these differences. Rather, it rests on your conviction that fundamentally we are all the same. We are all equal ly important. Thus, no one should be ignored. Each of us should be included (StrenthsQuest). This description of an includer sounds like the kind of person I am. I am always willing to let other people in on what is going on in my life and I feel like this is an important attribute for being a dental hygienist. Dental hygienists need to have an interest in working with people and working as a member of a team (alis.alberta.ca, 2007). For example, if you find that there is something seriously wrong with a childs tooth or mouth when you are working on them, it is important for the dental hygienist to be able to include the guardian of the child and your boss with what is going on. The best option is to include the people around you to find out what is best to do in a situation like this. If you are a person who does not like to include people with what is going on around you, and would rather try to fix it yourself, you could get yourself into trouble by not attempting the right proce dure to fix the problem with the childs mouth. This could cost you your job, so you need to include your boss to receive a second opinion. Being an includer as helped me in the past by always bringing in new faces to my group of friends. By doing this, I have always had a new perspective on what people think or feel. This has helped me bring new ideas to the table, which has made me realize what I really stand for. This has also helped me make sure I am doing the right thing by getting other peoples advice to see what I should do in a serious situation, like I will in my career pathway. If something is needing to be done that is serious enough to hurt my patients health, or my career, I will always ask the patient, patients guardian, or my boss. I feel like I recieved my includer trait from my mother. She always told me to never leave anyone out, and in the long run it is paying off. Restorative. This was my second result from StrengthsQuest. According to StrenghtsQuest restorative means, you love to solve problems. Whereas some are dismayed when they ecounter yet another breakdown, you can be energized by it. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution. You may prefer practical problems or conceptual ones or personal ones. You may seek out specific kinds of problems that you have met many times before and that you are confident you can fix. Or you may feel the greatest push when faced with complex and unfamiliar problems. Your exact preferences are determined by your other themes and experiences. But what is certain is that you enjoy bringing things back to life. It is a wonderful feeling to identify the undermining factors, eradicate them, and restore something to its true glory. Intuitively, you know that without your intervention, this machine, this technique, this person, this company-might have ceas ed to function. You fixed it, resuscitated it, rekindled its vitality. Phrasing it the way you might, you saved it (StrengthsQuest). I would consider myself a restorative because I have never enjoyed conflict. Whenever I see someone or a group of friends fighting, I always love to resolve the problem by talking it out with both sides of the situation. Dental hygienists also need to have the ability to work with people (mhcc.edu, 2010). With my ability to work with people and solve their problems, I can resolve problems in the office. If a fellow employee is discussing some issues that they are having with someone in the office, I will feel like it is my duty to resolve the problems that they are having. I know that other people may think that it is none of my business, but I like to resolve problems. I will feel like I have to solve the issue in order to work in a peaceful working environment. Being a restorative has helped me in the past by almost never having conflict in my group of friends and making my life more positive. I remember I was always being the one to resolve the problems, and I feel like this has helped me out in my past by always having a positive feeling around me so I could concentrate on what I really wanted to achieve. The source for me being a restorative would be myself. I have always felt the need to never have negativity around me so I would always make the initiative to resolve problems. Communication. My number three strength is communication. According to strengthsquest, this is what it means. You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write. This is your communication theme at work. Ideas are a dry beginning. Events are static. You feel a need to bring them to life, to energize them, to make them exciting and vivid. And so you turn events into stories and practice telling them you take the dry idea and enliven it with images and examples and metaphors. You believe that most people have a very short attention span. They are bombarded by information, but very little of it survives. You want your information-whether an idea, an event, a products features and benefits, a discovery, or a lesson-to survive. You want to divert their attention toward you and then capture it, lock it in. this is what drives your hunt for the perfect phrase. This is what draws you toward dramatic words and powerful word combinations. This is why people like to lis ten to you. Your word pictures pique their interest, sharpen their world, and inspire them to act (StrengthsQuest). Communication has always been the key in my life. I have always believed that the best way to work things out is to talk it out. Communication is going to be a positive attribute when I am a dental hygienist. Excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills are required for being a dental hygienist (alis.alberta.ca). I am going to need to be able to talk to my boss, co-workers, and my patients. Not only am I going to have to talk to them, but I am going to need to be on their level of communication, and my strength in communication will make me very successful in this category. As a dental hygienist, you should possess strong interpersonal skills because you will be working with patients on a consistent basis (dhschools.com). Communication has helped me get through every aspect in my life. Through my good communication skills, I could always ask people questions if I didnt know the correct one, I could get on a persons level and become better friends with them, and I always got along with my parents because I would always tell them what was really going on in my head. Like being an includer, my mom also has also always taught me to communicate with the people around me so there is less unknown and more known. Communication will be my key to success in my dental hygiene career. Woo. Woo is my fourth outcome of my StrengthsQuest test. Woo stands for winning others over. You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers are rarely intimidating to you. On the contrary, strangers can be energizing. You are drawn to them. You want to learn their names, ask them questions, and find some area of common interest so that you can strike up a conversation and build rapport. Not only are you rarely at a loss for words; you actually enjoy initiating with strangers because you derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection. Once that connection is made, you are quite happy to wrap it up and move on. There are new people to meet, new rooms to work, new crowds to mingle in. in your world there are no strangers, only friends you havent meet yet-lots of them (StrengthsQuest). Woo is an important attribute to posses in a field that I chose. It is important to make sure that people like you at your job, from your boss to y our patients. If you are rude to the people you are around at your job, you could bring down the business of the place because people do not like to be around rude people. Wanting to be liked is a very good quality to have if you desire to become a dental hygienist. With the attribute of wanting to get to know people and more about them, you could really create great relationships with your patients. By doing this, your patients could tell their friends or family about how friendly and comfortable you have made them, and that could bring more business to the office. I have always enjoyed meeting new people and getting them to like me, and I feel this will be a very positive trait for me to have for my future. Empathy. My last result is empathy. Empathy isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦you can sense the emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings are your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective. You do not necessarily agree with each persons perspective. You do not necessarily condone the choices each person makes, but you do understand. This instinctive ability to understand is powerful. You hear the unvoiced questions. You anticipate the need. Where others grapple for words, you seem to find the right words and the right tone. You help people find the right phrases to express their feelings-to themselves as well to others. You help them give voice to their emotional life. For all these reasons, other people are drawn to you (StrengthsQuest). Empathy is a positive characteristic to have when dealing with patients who might be nervous or scared about coming to the dentist. A dental hygienist should also be caring and compassionate, as well as hard working (dhschools.com). By being able to put yourself in their shoes, you can understand why your patient might be scared, and try to make them understand the process. This might make them less afraid. I consider myself to be very caring and understanding when people talk to me about their problems, and when this happens in my career I feel like I can be successful in making my patients feel more comfortable with going to the dentist office. Conclusion StrenghtsQuest is a great way for people to find out what their strengths are. Sometimes people do not realize what strong qualities that they possess, so just pointing them out can have a great affect on them. Some positive outcomes include higher levels of engagement in the learning process, learning to take the perspective of others who are very different from oneself, higher levels of academic achievement, ability to make an informed career choice, or the development of leadership (Schreiner). Strengthsquest has narrowed my top five strengths to be includer, restorative, communication, woo, and empathy. All of these characteristics have helped me in a positive way throughout my life so far and I believe that all of these attributes will have a positive influence on my career as being a dental hygienist, also.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How can ICT support the learning of children with special educational :: ICT Essays

How can ICT support the learning of children with special educational needs? ICT can support the learning of children with special educational needs [SEN]. It enables children with SEN to overcome barriers to learning by providing alternative or additional methods of communicating within the learning process. Moreover, it also helps teachers to create a supportive framework, which can enable autonomous learning. When used creatively, ICT can enrich and enhance teaching, motivating pupils and engaging them in active learning. But how is this achieved? The range of special needs covers a very wide spectrum. It will be necessary therefore to examine how ICT can support the various needs. Standard equipment is often suitable for children with SEN. the settings of the computer can be changes to make it more computer friendly. The mouse motion can be slowed down for better control. The toolbar can be created to suit the children's needs. However if this is not suitable there are many peripherals and devices, which can support children with SEN, but not all are appropriate for everyone. For those children with a physical disability a variety of switches, optical pointers, voice controlled devices and word prediction software has been designed to overcome the problems these children have using traditional input devices such as the mouse and keyboard. However according to Semerc [2000] these alternative methods of access are more complex than direct input and therefore place an additional cognitive burden on the child. The system therefore needs to be set up so that it does not become an additional barrier. Children need to be competent with input devices such as switches. The technique may take time to develop and opportunities need to be provided to practise these to avoid frustration. There are a variety of switches available. Some involve hand movement while others can be operated by other parts of the body; even a strong puff of breath can operate a switch. The assessment of the type of switch required is usually carried out by specialists [Hopkins, 1998]. This assessment needs to be continuous. Bowser and Reed [1995] as cited by Bryant et al [1998] argue that as a child progresses through the Education System, their requirements change and this may necessitate a need for different devices. This is not limited to those children with a physical disability but is relevant to all children with SEN as they progress and the Education System places additional burdens upon them. For children with a visual impairment ICT can provide support in various ways; tools to support communication, to improve access to information and as a means of producing learning materials in alternative. There is a wide range of devices and software, which can

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ecn 3000 Homework

Harris ECN 3000 Homework #1b. Use the following information to answer questions 1-13 below. Two countries, Athens and Troy, produce two goods, ships and food, according to the following production functions: 1 ship = 4 capital + 2 labor 1 food = 1 capital + 3 labor. Athens has 200 units of capital and 100 units of labor available to produce ships and food. Troy has 100 units of capital and 150 units of labor available to produce ships and food. 1. Which good is capital intensive in production? Ship 2. Which good is labor intensive in production? Food 3.In which country is capital relatively abundant? Athens 4. In which country is labor relatively abundant? Tory 5. Based on your answers to 1 – 4 and using the Heckscher-Ohlin hypothesis, which country should specialize in the production of which good? Why? According to Heckscher-Ohlin hypothesis, countries will export products that utilize their abundant and cheap factors of production and import products that utilize the countr ies' scarce factors. As I said before, Athens is capital relatively abundant, Tory is labor relatively abundant. When a thing is abundant, it becomes cheap.Thus, Athens should specialize in the production of ship, and Troy should specialize in the production of food. 6. Calculate the limits of production for Athens and Troy. The limits of production for Athens: 200/4=50 ships or 100/3=33 foods. The limits of production for Troy: 100/4=25 ships or 150/3=50 foods. 7. Calculate the domestic terms of trade for Athens and Troy in terms of 1 ship. . 8. Based on your answer to question 7, which country should specialize in the production of which good? Why? Athens’ MRT=0. 66 and Troy’s MRT=2. So we can know Athens has comparative advantage in ship, and Troy has comparative advantage in food.Thus, Athens should specialize in the production of ship, and Troy should specialize in the production of food. 9. Draw the production possibilities curves for each country based on your a nswers to questions 6 and 7. Athens 42 33 PPC CPC 0 25 50 Ships Tory 50 25 CPC PPC 0 25 38 50 Ships 10. Supposing that Athens and Troy agree to trade ships and food at an international terms of trade of 1, what observation can you make about their relative demands for ships and food?Which country experiences the greater gains from trade? 1 ship is exchanged 1 food on condition that they agree to trade ships and food at an international term of trade of 1. Athens should trade 12. 5 ships to Troy, and Troy should trade 8. 5 foods to Athens. Troy will experience the greater gains from trade. 11. Draw the consumption possibilities curve for each country on the same graph you drew for question 9. 12. Suppose Athens wants to consume only 25 ships. How many food will it be able to consume? How many ships and how many food would Troy be able to consume?If Athens wants to consume only 25 ships, 58 foods will it be able to consume. 50 ships, 25 foods should Troy be able to consume. 13. Now, a ssume that only Athens discovers a new technology that allows it to produce ships using 1. 5 capital and 1 labor. What would be the effect on the pattern of trade between the two countries? Explain. Based on your assumption, Athens will decrease the cost of the ships. Then, the limits of production for Athens: 100/1=100 ships or 100/3=33 foods. Athens maybe experiences the greater gains from trade.However, the demand of Troy cannot be ignored. Troy may not consume that many ships. 14. Suppose that instead of trading goods, Athens and Troy decide to trade 50 units of Athens capital for 25 units of Troy’s labor. How would the countries’ relative welfare be affected? If this supposition were true, after Athens and Troy trade capital and labor, they will have same number of capital and labor. Then, the trades between these two countries are unnecessary. They can produce their own goods. ———————– Foods Foods

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bacterial Meningitis

An attack of bacterial meningitis can be devastating because most of its victims are usually children or infants. The symptoms of the disease can also be misread leading to improper or inadequate treatment with fatal consequences. As risks of misdiagnosis are many, it is recommended that the services of a physician be sought as quickly as the first symptoms are noticed. Meningitis is the disease caused by the inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and the spinal cord (Schultz, 1991).While the cause of meningitis could be a virus, in the majority of cases it is bacterial. Bacterial meningitis is caused by several agents with the leading one being Haemophilus influenza (Schultz, 1991). Haemophilus influenzae is a type â€Å"b† strain and it is so named because when it was first discovered researchers believed that it was the cause of influenza or flu (Schultz, 1991), but scientists have since discovered that the flu is actually caused by a virus. A second cause of bacterial meningitis is Neisseria Meningitides or meningococcus (Meningitis, 2007).While this type of bacterial meningitis could affect people of different age groups, it is mostly evident during epidemics and especially in places where people live in congested or crowded environments (Meningitis, 2007). Recent attacks of meningitis that took place on crowded places are the epidemics in the slums of Brazil that killed 11,000 people in 1974 and the 1996 attacks in the Sahel region that left 16,000 people dead (Meningitis, 2007). A third cause of bacterial meningitis is Strepococcus Pneumoniae which is also known as pneumococcus.(Meningitis, 2007). This kind of bacterial meningitis is most common among adults and is noticeable by pneumococcus infections in various parts of the body (Meningitis, 2007). Such infections will be noticed in the victim’s ears or could appear as sinuses. While these are the main causes of bacterial meningitis, in some cases the disease could be cause d by an attack of tuberculosis or Lyme disease. (Meningitis, 2007). Meningitis has various characteristics depending on the age of the victim and the cause of the infection.In infants, the symptoms of a bacterial meningitis attack will normally be preceded by an attack of diarrhea, a runny nose or vomiting (Hirsch, 2007). Some of the most common symptoms of meningitis in infants are fever, irritability, headaches, photophobia or eye sensitivity to light, stiff neck and skin rashes (Hirsch, 2007). Correct diagnosis of bacterial meningitis can only be done by a doctor and the service of a professional should be sought immediately there is suspicion that a meningitis attack has taken place.This is especially because the symptoms of bacterial meningitis are non-specific. In infants and children, other symptoms that could be indicative of meningitis include nuchal rigidity, opisthotonos, convulsions and anorexia (Miller, Gaur & Kumar, 2008). Other symptoms that Miller (2008) says could b e associated with meningitis are the bulging of the fontanelle, alterations of the sensorium and in extreme cases, coma. In infants, one indication that a bacterial meningitis attack could have taken place is the sound produced when the infant is crying.When the infant cries in an eerie high-pitched voice, it is a sign that it could be suffering from bacterial meningitis (Schultz, 1991). While bacterial meningitis mainly attacks children and infants, it can also attack adults and especially the elderly. Fatalities from bacterial meningitis were common in the past but today, when medical attention is offered at the appropriate time, the fatalities are fewer and mostly happen to very young infants or the elderly (Schultz, 1991).For people above two years of age, the symptoms of bacterial meningitis will include headaches, a stiff neck and a high fever (Schoenstadt, 2008). Bacterial meningitis can be transmitted in various ways but it is not considered a highly contagious disease. The disease is spread from one person to another when there is an exchange of secretions from the throat or other respiratory secretions. (Schoenstadt, 2008). For this reason, the disease can be spread when a person comes into close contact with a victim who is coughing.Additionally, the disease will be spread through kissing although it is not spread as easily as the common cold or influenza. People who have prolonged contact with victims of bacterial meningitis will be at risk of contracting the disease especially when they are in the same house or have direct contact with the victim’s oral secretions (Schoenstadt, 2008). A wife or girlfriend risks contracting the disease from her spouse or partner and vice versa. In addition, bacterial meningitis is airborne and can be spread when one stays close to a victim who is coughing or laughing (Hirsch, 2008).Hirsch (2008) further advises that the sharing of utensils such as drinking glasses and spoons as well as the sharing of sanitar y products such as hand towels can also spread the disease. Moreover, coming into contact with the stool of an infected person can also lead to infection. This puts the children who share many facilities in day care at particularly huge risk of infection from their play mates who could be sick. Hirsch (2008), however, emphasizes that casual contact with victims does not put one at risk of contracting bacterial meningitis.Bacterial meningitis has a reputation for causing fatalities quickly and the measures taken to treat it have to be taken as quickly as possible. Schultz (1991) notes that because the disease is known to spread extremely quickly, the moment it is suspected to have infected a person, treatment with intravenous antibiotics is started immediately, even before the results of the tests carried out to test for the diseases are out. Once bacterial meningitis is confirmed, the patient will be put on medication that will normally last a week or longer.To treat bacterial menin gitis, antibiotics such as cephalosporins are used. The two best-known cephalosporins are Claforan and Rocephin. (Schultz, 1991). Since bacterial meningitis spreads quickly and also puts at risk those who are close to the patient, medication is also provided for those sharing living quarters with the patient. As a preventive measure, those close to the victim will put on a short course of the antibiotic rifampin. Apart from the possibility of fatality that is associated with bacterial meningitis, it is also known for other neurological complications (Schultz, 2008).Such complications, which could include permanent loss of hearing, convulsions and mental retardation, can ruin the life of a victim. This puts the children who suffer bacterial meningitis at very grave risks. To forestall the possibility of these complications, treatment for children includes the antibiotics and an additional corticosteroid, dexamethasone, which is administered to prevent loss of hearing (Schultz, 1991). As with all diseases, preventive measures with bacterial meningitis are more effective than the curative ones.To prevent the development of the disease, a number of vaccines have been developed for the most vulnerable group, children and infants. To guard against the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), a vaccine is used (Shultz, 1991). This vaccine is known as polysaccharide and has been in use since 1985(Schultz, 1991). The vaccine has been found to be effective in children aged two years and above and for this reason it is administered as a routine vaccine to children who are two years old.In addition, two more vaccines have been developed for children. In 1987, a vaccine was developed for children 18 months and over (Schultz, 1991). This vaccine, known as â€Å"a conjugate vaccine† was found to have more efficacy than the previously used polysaccharide vaccines for children in this age group (Schultz, 1991). By 1989, the conjugate v accine had been found to be effective in children as young as 15 months and was already being administered to them.Schultz (1991) further notes that a third vaccine was developed in 1989 that could be administered to infants two months old. The development of vaccines for infants and children enables doctors to administer bacterial meningitis vaccines along with the other vaccines as part of a child’s routine immunization regimen. Today, three meningitis vaccinations are administered on an infant before he reaches six months while a fourth vaccination, also known as a booster, is administered when the child is one year old (Bacterial meningitis 2).While research into other forms of vaccines for meningitis goes on, there is a vaccine that has been developed for prevention of Stretococcal pneumoniae which has been found to be effective with adults aged above 65 years (Isom, 2005). Apart from vaccination, bacterial meningitis is preventable in many other forms. One of the easies t ways to contain an outbreak of the disease is to report suspected cases to the relevant state or health authorities to enable treatment of those who might be affected.In addition, whenever people who are not infected share premises with victims of bacterial meningitis, the former should be given antibiotics to protect them against the risk of contracting the disease from the victims (Collins, 1997). Equally important as a preventive measure is the ability to exercise proper travel precautions. While epidemics of bacterial meningitis are unlikely to occur in the US, there are regions that experience outbreaks of the disease frequently and for this reason any overseas travel should be preceded by a visit to the doctor to see if vaccination against bacterial meningitis is necessary (Bacterial meningitis 2).While the prevalence of bacterial meningitis is low in the US, epidemics of the disease have led to massive deaths in parts of Africa and Brazil. An outbreak of the disease killed about 25,000 people in West Africa in 1996 (Hewarldt, 2006). In 2005, an outbreak of bacterial meningitis spread through eleven Chinese cities killing eleven people (Emerling, 2005). The disease has a higher prevalence rate in crowded neighborhoods. In the US, the disease has a higher incidence rate amongst African American and Native American populations while among infants, boys tend to more susceptible to the disease than girls (Collins, 1997).References Bacterial meningitis 2. Department of health promotion education. Retrieved February 23, 2009, from http://www. dhpe. org/infect/Bacmeningitis. html Collins, J. (1997). Cooperation halts meningitis outbreak; leaves positive public perception. Journal of environmental health, 59(9) 20+ Emerling, G. (2005). Bacteria suspected in death of boy, 6; meningitis test results awaited. The washington times, B01 Herwaldt, L. (2006). Bacterial meningitis: When symptoms start, act fast.University of Iowa hospitals and clinics. Retrieved Febru ary 23, 2009 from http://www. uihealthcare. com/topics/medicaldepartments/internalmedicine/bacterialmeningitis/index. html Hirsch, L. (2007). Meningitis. Kidshealth for parents. Retrieved February 23, 2009, from http://kidshealth. org/parent/infections/lung/meningitis. html Isom, W. (2005). A dash to the finish: Young doctor overcomes battle with life-threatening illness. Black enterprise, 35(7), 153 Meningitis. (2007). The Columbia encyclopedia, (6).New york: Columbia university press. Miller, L. , Gaur, H. , & Kumar, A. (2008). Meningitis , bacterial. Emedicine from webmd. Retrieved February 23, 2009, from http://emedicine. medscape. com/article/961497-overview Schoenstadt, A. (2008). Bacterial meningitis. Medtv. Updated July 2008. Retrieved February 23, 2009, from http://meningitis. emedtv. com/bacterial-meningitis/bacterial-meningitis. html# Schultz, D. (1991). Bacterial meningitis; vaccines, antibiotics fight sometimes fatal disease. FDA Consumer, 25(7), 36+

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Return to Paradise

Return to Paradise is a movie that has a great morality play. It uses the characters to force us to ask ourselves one question Is the life of a friend worth three years of your life? As Return to Paradise opens, we learn of three friends Sheriff (Vince Vaughn), Tony (David Conrad), and Lou (Joaquin Phoenix). They are spending their vacation together in Malaysia - smoking hash, having sex with exotic women, and enjoying the quiet life. Sheriff is a limo driver, Tony an architect, and Lou a self proclaimed tree hugger. As their vacation ends the three decide what to do. Sheriff and Tony decide to fly back to New York, but Lou wants to stay and help free orangutans. Two years later Sheriff and Tony are approached by a lawyer, Beth (Anne Heche), who tells them what happened to Lou right after they left. It turns out that Lou was caught with the hash and has been imprisoned for the last two years. Compounding this news is the fact that Lou has only seven days to live. The Malaysian government takes drugs seriously and they have sentenced Lou to death. The only thing that can save Lou is if both Sheriff and Tony go back to Malaysia and accept their responsibility with the drugs. In that case, Lou's life will be spared. If Sheriff and Tony return, they will have to spend three years in prison to complete this deal to save Lou. Writers Wesley Strick and Bruce Robinson have put together a tight and engrossing script. The script never strays into melodrama and focuses solely on the question of if these two friends will go back to save Lou. Kudos to cinematographer Reynaldo Villalobos, who shoots this film wonderfully. The film is shot with mostly grays, blacks, and whites. But, Villalobos skillfully slips in some bright colors to match the emotions of the characters onscreen. The cast is superb. Vaughn, who I last saw in the Lost World, is the staple for this film. His performance stands out. Vaughn plays Sheriff right on the money - a guy ... Free Essays on Return to Paradise Free Essays on Return to Paradise Return to Paradise is a movie that has a great morality play. It uses the characters to force us to ask ourselves one question Is the life of a friend worth three years of your life? As Return to Paradise opens, we learn of three friends Sheriff (Vince Vaughn), Tony (David Conrad), and Lou (Joaquin Phoenix). They are spending their vacation together in Malaysia - smoking hash, having sex with exotic women, and enjoying the quiet life. Sheriff is a limo driver, Tony an architect, and Lou a self proclaimed tree hugger. As their vacation ends the three decide what to do. Sheriff and Tony decide to fly back to New York, but Lou wants to stay and help free orangutans. Two years later Sheriff and Tony are approached by a lawyer, Beth (Anne Heche), who tells them what happened to Lou right after they left. It turns out that Lou was caught with the hash and has been imprisoned for the last two years. Compounding this news is the fact that Lou has only seven days to live. The Malaysian government takes drugs seriously and they have sentenced Lou to death. The only thing that can save Lou is if both Sheriff and Tony go back to Malaysia and accept their responsibility with the drugs. In that case, Lou's life will be spared. If Sheriff and Tony return, they will have to spend three years in prison to complete this deal to save Lou. Writers Wesley Strick and Bruce Robinson have put together a tight and engrossing script. The script never strays into melodrama and focuses solely on the question of if these two friends will go back to save Lou. Kudos to cinematographer Reynaldo Villalobos, who shoots this film wonderfully. The film is shot with mostly grays, blacks, and whites. But, Villalobos skillfully slips in some bright colors to match the emotions of the characters onscreen. The cast is superb. Vaughn, who I last saw in the Lost World, is the staple for this film. His performance stands out. Vaughn plays Sheriff right on the money - a guy ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chiang Kai-shek Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Chiang Kai-shek - Essay Example Although many critics blame him for the atrocities committed during his regime, many people greatly appreciate his achievements with regard to the country’s economic development. Â   The early years of Chiang Kai-shek were not very smooth but he managed to attend the Japanese Military Staff College. After completing his military education, he served in the Japanese Imperial Army for a number of years. A staunch supporter of Sun Yat-sen, Kai-shek returned to China in 1911 to help in the creation of the nationalists’ army. Sun Yat-sen chose Chiang Kai-shek as a leader of the Guomindang’s Military Academy which was situated in Whampoa2. In the course of time, the he was sent to Moscow to study about the organization of Red Army for a period of six months. As a leader of Guomindang, Chiang favoured his former workmates at Whampoa and consequently appointed them in various ranks within the Guomindang. Sun Yat-sen died in 1925 and there arose a power struggle among his possible successors as noted by Guangdi3. At the death of Sun yat-sen, Chiang was a right wing while Wang Jingwei, Sun Yat-sen’s comrade-in-arms, was a left wing adherent. Wang succeeded Sun Yat-sen as the national government’s Chairman as noted by Shieh4. Chiang was in a better position to succeed him because he was the leader of the Guomindang army. He was seen as a more suitable leader for the position because his disciplined and loyal army was more likely to fight for him rather than fight for others. Politically, Chiang was in a central position in China which gave him the capacity to control a wide region. He organised a fierce campaign against Guomindang warlords and consolidated his leadership position in 19265. He went further to control Nanking, Ca nton, and Beijing which were the most important Chinese cities at the time. During his tenure as government chairman, he served as party

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Economic news analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic news analysis - Essay Example It has been reported that employers in America increased the number of jobs positions. However, despite the above increase in job positions, most of the applicants could not meet the required level of competencies to do the jobs (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, para1-10). This trend has made the rate of unemployment to remain significantly high at a rate of 7.9% (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, para-9). Additionally, majority of the older employees within an age bracket of 45 to 54 years were unwilling to shift to the new job positions (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, para1-10). Therefore, it was not a wonder to see some few people coming out to compete for the new jobs as employment positions increases (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, para3).The article has further provided a description of what could have attributed a decline in number of unemployed people in the United state. Analysis According to Bloomberg report most the employers find it challenging to find a qualified employee who can feel a job need (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, Para 7). Therefore, most employers opted to approach staffing agency firm for recruitment assistance (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, Para 7). It was reported that about one hundred and sixty jobs were created on February this year, however despite this increase the rate of unemployment remained at 7.6 % (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, Para 9). ... Additionally, frictional unemployment may be experienced among people who have left their jobs and are looking for other better jobs (Mankiw, Nicholas, p 606). The rate of unemployment may be determined using the formula below; Unemployment Rate = Number of unemployed people ?100 Total labor force/civilian labor force Source: (Tucker, p-261) Whereby; Labor forces also commonly referred to civilian labor force involves to those people within employment age and below the retirement age that are either working or are actively looking for a job (Tucker, p-261). Frictional unemployment may be presented graphically as shown below; Wages W0 R2 R1 w2 w1 w3 T0 T2 T1 Duration of labor Source: Author Based on the above graph it can be scrutinized how frictional employment occurs given the level of wages. The wages increases from W1 to W2 while duration of labor decreases from T1 to T2 as more people are willing to work with the available wage rates. In above connection, the professor of economi cs at Northwestern University Illinois (Mortensen) asserted that American labor market has remained flexible due to application of monetary measures. However, inflation rates were projected to increase (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, para3-4). This indicates that as unemployment problems were being addressed inflation rates tend to increases as explained in the Philips curve (Mankiw & Nicholas p-606). Additionally, Fed chief asserted that a long period of unemployment may cause workers to lose some working skills and this can lead to a decline in firms’ productivity (Steve, Rich & Jeanna, Para 10). Fed further asserted that the number of people who remained unemployed for a period of more than 27 weeks reduced in the year 2010 from 6.7 millions to 4.7 million

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Aspects of sustainable transport mode. ( buses in scotland ) Thesis Proposal

Aspects of sustainable transport mode. ( buses in scotland ) - Thesis Proposal Example In this context, the study’s aims and objectives can be described as follows: a) What is the evidence that more use of the bus is more sustainable? B) What load factors are needed for bus to have less CO2 per passenger kilometre than the car, so buses generally achieve these? c) Which cities have made most (and least) progress in making the bus network an alternative to car use? Why? d) Does better bus provision get drivers out of cars or does bus attract people who would otherwise be car passengers? e) What are the changes to bus provision that make bus attractive enough to attract a proportion of car drivers – speed, comfort, personal security and so on, f) Are the existing schemes – in regard to the improvement of the bus network (Scotland) in terms of sustainability – satisfactory? It should be noted that the study focuses on the examination of the aspects of buses as sustainable means of transport especially in Scotland; the study’s mains and o bjectives will be addressed using the relevant literature as well as figures released by governmental and non-governmental organizations in Scotland; material will be also retrieved through relevant authorities worldwide – in order to make a comparative analysis of the measures developed in Scotland towards the increase of sustainability of buses. The views of passengers and people working in the bus network in Scotland will be also employed in order to explore all aspects of the study’s aims and objectives – as described above. Bus is an essential means of transport in Scotland; because of its importance for the local social and financial needs but also for the environment, the Scottish government has developed a framework of rules regulating the bus operation and use across the country. An indicative example is the bus network scheme developed by the city of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Capstone Checkpoint Essay Example for Free

Capstone Checkpoint Essay Looking back over the past nine weeks I must say that a large amount of valuable information has been presented to our class. The reading material, assignments, and class discussions have taught me some valuable lessons in the area of nutrition. The assignment that I learned the most from was the Week Two assignment about the digestive system. I now understand how the body uses the different types of food, the path food takes as it enters the body, and how the organs, including the salivary glands work together in the digestive process. However, my favorite part of Week Two came through the class discussions in the area of home remedies. I learned how a change in diet can prevent or help to cure digestive disorders. For example, Diverticulus can be treated at home by drinking plenty of fluid and eating fiber rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. I enjoyed this part the most because I was forced to take medicine for an extended period of time and I really did not enjoy that experience. Therefore, learning natural ways to bring relief was truly refreshing for me.  Checkpoint from week one, three day diet analysis instructed me how to begin eating healthier. I made the necessary changes in my diet and by the time I reached the three day analysis for week six, I noticed some major changes in my eating habits. Currently I notice the different foods on my plate and the nutritional value that each has to offer. I refrain from eating meals (other than grains for breakfast like cereal or oatmeal) that does not include fruits or vegetables. Even on those days when I stop by a fast food place and grab a burger I avoid the fries, and I ask for extra pickles, lettuce, and tomato, to add more nutrients to the sandwich.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups

Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups in Malappuram district of Kerala Haseena Jasmine C K Abstract NeighbourHood Group (NHG) popularly known as Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam, is an innovative idea undertaken by Kudumbashree mission of Kerala. Empowerment of women is essential to harness the women labour in the main stream of economic development. Empowerment of women is a holistic concept. It is multi-dimensional in its approach and covers economic, political, social/cultural, personal and family aspects. Of all these facets of women development, economic empowerment is of utmost significance in order to achieve a lasting and sustainable development of society. Micro finance is an important means for attaining women empowerment. Micro finance is the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amounts mainly to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income level and improve their standard of living. It has proven to be an effective and popular measure for women empowerment. This paper examines how far the NH Gs contribute to women empowerment and also to understand the problems faced by the members of NHGs. Keywords: Microfinance, Empowerment, Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs), Kudumbashree, Poverty Eradication. Introduction Women are an integral part of every economy. Overall growth and development of a nation would be possible only when women are considered as equal partners in progress with men. Empowerment of women is essential to bring the women in the main stream of economic as well as social development, and also to bring national development. Women empowerment is multi-dimensional in its approach and covers economic, political, social, cultural and personal aspects. Micro finance is an important means for attaining women empowerment. Micro finance is the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amounts mainly to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income level and improve their standard of living. It has proven to be an effective and popular measure for women empowerment. The State Poverty Eradication Mission, known as Kudumbashree is an innovative poverty eradication programme of the Government of Kerala, which is a community based, women oriented and participatory programme in every respect. Kudumbasree programme is being implemented through the local self governments in the State. The three-tier community based organisation of women includes Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the grass root level, Area Development Societies (ADSs) at the local level and Community Development Societies (CDSs) at the Panchayat/ Municipality level. These organisations act as important means for empowering women. Empowerment of women is considered as an important responsibility of every government. NeighbourHood Group NeighbourHood Group (NHG) popularly known as Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam, is an innovative idea undertaken by Kudumbashree mission of Kerala, with the aim of not only to know our neighbours, but also to share all our information, views, ideas or opinions for the betterment of our group in general. This platform will also help each one of the members to showcase their talents through the annual get together. Grass root level poor women are organized through Neighbourhood Groups(NHGs) consisting of 20-40 women with 5 functional Volunteers, viz., Community Health Volunteer, Income Generation Volunteer, Infrastructure Volunteer, Secretary and President. The NHG members used to meet once in a week in one of the member’s house. The members, who meet together, discuss their problems and make joint effort to find solutions to their grievances with the support of the functional volunteers. This would bring up an interpersonal feeling among the members and would generate supportive attitude to build confidence among them. Apart from this, they practice small savings through thrift which should be used to create productive assets. Women Empowerment Empowermentrefers to increasing the economic, political, social, educational, gender, or spiritual strength of individuals and communities. Womens Empowerment educates and empowers women who are homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children. Empowerment also includes encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency, with a focus on eliminating the future need for charity or welfare in the individuals of the group. This process can be difficult to start and to implement effectively. Statement of Problem Empowerment of women is seen as one of the most important means of economic, social and cultural development as well as for reducing poverty among women. Even the Government takes considerable effort for empowering women and to improve their status in the society, still they face number of problems. We know NHGs are mainly initiated for the purpose of empowering women. But we can’t think that all NHGs are succeeded in women empowerment. And also we can’t faithfully believe that all the members of NHGs are satisfied with them. It is necessary to analyse how far the NHGs contribute to women empowerment and also to understand the problems faced by the members of NHGs. Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study as follows: To examine the role of Neighbourhood Group in women empowerment. To identify the problems and constraints faced by the members of Neighbourhood Groups. To make suggestions for the empowerment of women. Research Methodology The research design adopted for the study is descriptive. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected from 100 members of NHGs through a sample survey in Malappuram district of Kerala. A structured questionnaire was used for the collection of primary data. The secondary data was collected from the journals, books, reports, websites etc. For analyzing the collected data, the mathematical and statistical tools like percentage and average have been used. Analysis and Interpretation Overall Women Empowerment through NHGs The following table shows the overall empowerment that attained by members through the NHGs. Table.1 Overall Empowerment of Members Sources: Primary Data It reveals that, majority of the Neighbourhood Group members are empowered by the scheme NHGs (Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam). 56% are highly empowered by NHGs, 24% neither highly nor poorly empowered by the NHGs and only 20% are poorly empowered by the scheme NHGs. Personal Problems The following table shows the personal problems faced by the members of NHGs. Table.2 Personal Problems Sources: Primary Data This table indicate that 43% are facing the problem of delay in getting loans, 37% are feel the family responsibility as a burden for their work, 30% are facing lack of proper guidance for smooth functioning of NHGs, 20% are facing stress and strain while working in NHGs and seven percentage in decision making. From this analysis, we can conclude that majority of the members are facing problem of delay in getting loans and proper guidance. Financial Problems The following table shows the financial problems faced by NHGs members. Table.3 Financial Problems Sources: Primary Data The table 3 reveals the financial problems faced by NHG members. Among the 30 members, 67% are facing lack of income, 50% are facing lack of finance and 30% are facing delay in getting loans from the affiliated ADS/CDS. Only three percentage face resistance from banks and other financial institutions and 10% are facing the problem of proper utilization of funds. As per the table we can say that, even they are facing large number of problems but 100% NHGs are free from overdue debts. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The key findings of the study are summarized here. From the analysis it is clear that 90 % of the NHGs members are housewives and only three percentages are Govt. employees. Seven percentages of members are engaged in other jobs along the membership in NHGs. Around 43 % of NHGs members are working in NHGs for a period of 2-5 years, 37% are above 5 years and only 13% are working for 6-12 months. It is interested to note that 57% of members are joined in NHG for taking loans to meet personal financial needs, and 40% are joined with the expectation that they can improve their standard of living by way of increasing income. Majority of the members are entered into the field only for taking loans. The level of satisfaction that attained by NHG members reveals that 74% are satisfied, 20% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, but only 6% are dissatisfied. Whole of the NHGs undertaking micro finance scheme. Apart from this, 40% NHGs are engaged in self employment schemes and other schemes for the welfare of the women, children, aged people, etc. The activities include Harithashree, Scholasrship for children, Balasabha, etc. These are undertaken mainly for imparting knowledge for their members. NHGs are exclusively for the benefit of women. The analysis reveals that 100% women members of NHGs are beneficiaries of their activities. They are not only undertaken for the welfare of women, but also for the welfare of general public, aged people, Children, etc. Majority of the members (90 %) opinioned that NHGs have a crucial role in women empowerment and only three percentages are fall under the category of low empowerment. Majority of the members (87%) have improvements in their standard of living as a result of reduction in poverty through NHGs. Family support is an integral part for empowering women. Majority of members (87%) get great support from their family to participate with NHG by way of financial services (69%), motivation (54%) and participation in decision making. Majority of the members (80%) have enough time to spend with their family even they are working in NHG. Unlike men, women have dual role in her family. Hence family responsibility may be a barrier for their efficient performance in NHGs. It shows that, 50% members never felt family responsibility as a burden for them. Majority of the members (60%) spend their income as they wish. It is interested to note that, they have freedom in spending their income without permission of their husbands, fathers or any other relatives. As a member in NHG, they got a prominent role in family decisions in the matters of food items, education of their children, medical treatments of their dependents, etc. Though the respondents are become a members of NHG for increasing income, only 16% have increased income through NHGs. Average 35% members believed that they got a family improvement through NHGs. At the same time, 33% believed that there is no family improvement. Above 50% members achieve personal improvement through NHG. NHG members got social improvement than any other improvements through NHGs (62%). Majority of NHGs succeeded in imparting knowledge and skills to their members. They can also acquire personal education through NHGs and their experiences in NHGs. Majority of them acquire banking habit through NHGs. Major problems faced by NHGs are lack of co-ordination (84%), lack of income (67%) and delay in getting loans from afflicted ADS/CDS (30%). Major problems faced by NHG members are lack of income for their valuable services for the economic development. They also feel lack of proper guidance (30%), training (10%), and information (10%). The level of empowerment attained by respondents through NHGs have crucial role in economic as well as social development, because the development is possible only when the women are empowered. Empowerment of women has been achieved to a great extend, through NHGs. Majority of members are attained personal improvements (85%) than any other improvements. They have acquired decision making power (77%), mobility (67%) and equality (63%) through Ayalkoottam. 100% members are attained ability to mingle with others and 86% attained mutual help and support through Ayalkoottam. Thus there have great improvements in the women in matters of their personal skills, social involvement, decision making power, etc through NHGs. SUGGESTIONS To enhance women empowerment through NHGs, it is suggested to undertake the following measures by the NHGs. For strengthen women, NHG should strengthen their overall working. Generally the members do not get any remuneration for their service. So they are not motivated to work with enthusiasm. Therefore the Government should provide adequate remuneration to them. NHGs provide service by categorizing BPL and APL families; it is not a rational measurement. Therefore the Government should identify the right beneficiaries. The Government should provide more funds for the welfare of the women through NHG. CONCLUSION Majority of the members in NHGs are highly empowered through the micro financing and loan facilities. It is clear that women are the ultimate beneficiaries of this scheme. But they still face a number of problems in this field like lack of family support, lack of income, lack of training and coordination etc. Among all improvements attained by women as a NHG member, social improvement is the most enlightened one. References J.A.Ruby, July (2008) â€Å"Micro Finance and Women Empowerment – A Study of Kudumbashree Project in Kerala†, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Mayoux, L. (2000) â€Å"Microfinance and empowerment of women. A review of the key issues†, social finance unit, working paper, 23.Jeneva: ILO. Padmanabhan, PG. â€Å"A study of Ayalkoottam in a participatory planning and grass roots level democracy in Kumarakom panchayats and its scope of replication†,PP.72-74. John, Jacob. (90-97) â€Å"A study on Kudumbashree Project: A poverty eradication programme in Kerala†, PP. Raghavan, V P. â€Å"Social action, gender equality and empowerment: The case study of Kudumbashree Project in Kerala†, P.17 Sharma, Puspa Raj, (2007) â€Å"Microfinance and women empowerment†, The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies. Vol.4,No.1,PP.16-27, S. Sarumathi and Dr. K. Mohan, â€Å"Role of Micro Finance in Women’s Empowerment†, Journal of Management and Science, Vol. 1, No.1, Sep 2011, ISSN: 2249-1260, pp. 1-10. Ashe, J., and L. Parrott (2002) â€Å"PACT’s Women’s empowerment program in Nepal:A savings- and literacy-led alternative to financial building†, Journal of Microfinance 4(2): 137-162. Mushumbusi Paul Kato1, Jan Kratzer2 Feb. (2013) â€Å"Empowering Women through Microfinance: Evidence from Tanzania†, ACRN Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives, Vol. 2, Issue 1, p. 31-59, http://www.kudumbashree.org/?q=womenempower http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/7097 http://www.womenempowermentinindia.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empowerment http://www.kerala.gov.in/kudumbashree-state-poverty-eradication-

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Essay -- Philosophy Teac

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement 'The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others' -Grayson Kirk. The teaching philosophy of progressivism focuses on developing the whole child. This philosophy not only teaches the core subject material, but it also allows the teacher to help develop the person the child is going to be. John Dewey, founder of progressivism, denounced the scholarly and classical school of curriculum. Dewey thought children should not be taught what to think but how to think through a 'continuous reconstruction of experience.' This implies that children learn best when they do hands on activities, therefore, they are learning by doing. These hands on activities will also incorporate several of the multiple intelligences. The kinesthetic learners will be able to actually do the activity, visual learners get to see the activity being performed, and auditory learners get to hear the directions and steps as the teacher explains them. As a teacher, I intend to present many different activities to the classroom. I feel that is so important to incorporate as many learning styles as possible into each lesson. From my observation in my field experiences, a student that favors one learning style will perform better when that learning style is available for an activity. Hands-on activities also allow for the students to learn by relating what they are studying to the knowledge they have previously acquired. This perspective, know as constructivism, was based mostly on research performed by Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Children are not just em... ...g else out there that teachers can learn. New technology, for one, is something that develops each and every day. I feel that the addition of a special education classes as a requirement will further educate and prepare future educators who will continually be in contact with the special education students. As for me, I plan to take on any opportunity to excel in my teaching profession. I want to continue on in my Bachelor?s degree with a specialization in Math and move on to get my Master?s in administration. Education is a wonderful gift that is available to everyone who wants to take part. It is not only about the books and the teaching of the basics. Education is about developing the whole child. It will be my job to develop the child as a person, not just as a student. When I begin my teaching career, I will strive to develop every aspect of the child.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Puritans, Max Weber Essay

1.Explain: Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England. Puritans were people who wanted to get rid of things that were not stated by Jesus Christ or by the Bible. They rejected decisions and traditions established by the Church (i.e. people). Examples: paintings of God and Jesus, rich ornaments and dà ©cor, hierarchy in Church, selling pardons. They also thought that the temples should be smaller and not so monumental. Puritans’ beliefs were a threat to the hierarchy and wealth of the English Church, so they were persecuted and unwelcome in there. They had to look for a place they could live the way they wanted. 2.Describe the Puritans who set sail to America in 1620. Majority of Puritans who set sail to America on Mayflower in 1620 was well-educated and belonged to upper middle class (they were rather rich). Those people couldn’t worship God according to their beliefs because their religion was a threat to the Church of England. Puritans were constantly persecuted and they left to Netherlands, and then to Virginia in Noth America. Their trip resembled Exodus to the promised land. Puritans called themselves Pilgrims, because it was a pilgrimage to the new world where they hoped to be free and to establish the Church there. 3.The literary genres Puritans practiced and did not practice. 4.Explain the notion of predestination and how Puritans shaped they lives according to it. Puritans believed that they don’t have any influence on whether they will go to heaven or to hell. They believe that God knows it before they are born and they can do nothing about it. (There is a paradox of free-will -> although one may be a good person, he/she can still go to hell.) God may change his mind, but people cannot do anything. For Puritans, the fact that someone is rich and successful means that this person may be predestined, so they work even harder and look for success, hoping that maybe this would be a sign of their predestination. 5.What biblical events did the first Puritans in America draw parallels to? Puritans considered themselves to be like pilgrims to the Promised Land, like Jews running from Egypt to Israel. As they wanted to establish a Church they considered it to be a mission. 6.How did Max Weber compare Protestants and Catholics in terms of the notions of hard work and calling? According to Max Weber, Catholics believe that the hard work is their way to salvation. People have to work hard to be good people. Protestants, on the other hand, believe that they should work hard because it is their duty, as this is God’s will and it is useful for the whole country and society. For them it a kind of vocation. Every Protestant feels the vocation to work and to worship God (Everyone has his own mission in life – there have to be poor farmers and rich lawyers – this is God’s will and it is completely normal.) In case of Catholicism, only priests feel the vocation to serve God. 7.Explain how Max Weber analyzed in his discussion of Protestant ethics the notions of work, investment, charity, waste. Work– every Puritan has a vocation to work. It is a duty and God’s will. Work is useful for the whole society; thanks to work we make our community better. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† Investment  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ If someone has money and is successful in business, it means that he is in God’s favor. Money should be multiplied not wasted and spent on unimportant things as luxuries and amusement. Charity– if someone needs charity it means that he is a beggar. If someone doesn’t work – he sins and offends God, as it is a duty to work. Supporting charity means supporting offending God. WASTE – waste of time is the worst and the deadliest sin. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† – only hard work praises God an d any other activity is a waste. 8.What did a Puritan sermon look like (use in particular Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God). In the 18th and 19th centuries during the Great Awakening, major sermons were made at revivals, which were especially popular in the United States. These sermons were noted for their â€Å"fire-and-brimstone† message, typified by Jonathan Edwards’s famous â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† speech. In these sermons the wrath of God was clearly one to be afraid of, although fear was not the message Edwards was trying to convey in his sermons, he was simply trying to tell the people that they could be forgiven for their sins. It combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of scripture.